Seven exceptional Nordic Walking benefits
- Burns up to 46% more calories than ordinary walking and up to 30% more calories compared to jogging, without any perceived increase in effort
- Uses 90% of muscle mass, and uses all the major muscles, which no other single exercise can do
- Has the lowest injury incidence by far, compared to all other exercises
- It is fun, quick & easy to learn, and it’s such a pleasure – which is proven with the highest exercise adherence of all exercises
- No gym nor membership fees, hence it’s rating as the lowest costing full-body exercise
- Requires only normal walking clothes, shoes (not on the beach) and a set of poles
- Is done almost anywhere & anytime – so you can grab your poles and get it done in the least amount of time
Southpole Nordic Walking provides you with:
- Nordic Walking Technique – Learn inexpensively, quickly & easily in Cape Town – see Testimonials
- Affordable, high quality equipment, to anywhere in South Africa – Buy now
- The unbeatable Medical Research benefits for health and fitness recovery or rehabilitation for medical or chronic conditions, injuries or post-surgical procedures
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